Implementation of Lecture Evaluation for Fall Semester of 2021

  • 운영자
  • Date 2021.11.29
  • Hit 686

1. Objectives : To improve the quality of lectures and collect information necessary for quality improvement

2. Applicable courses: All courses offered in the Fall semester of 2021

3. Excluded courses

  1) The 2021 courses offered at the College of Business for the 1st half Fall semester: Already done(10.11.~10.15.)

  2) Research courses: Graduation research, internship program and research, thesis research, individual research, seminar, thesis seminar

   ※ However, among some research courses offered by the College of Business, courses for which classes were conducted actually shall be evaluated.

  3) Designated courses other than the above: Physicl Education Club, Physical Education Certificate, Happy College Life, Exciting College Life, Freshman Seminar 1·2, Leadership Lecture

  4) Courses offered by other universities

4. Number of questions: 9 (including the section requiring general opinion)

5. Evaluation period: Nov. 29(Mon.), 10:00 ~ Dec. 10(Fri.), 23:59, 2021 (8 days)

6. How to evaluate : Evaluation through online (Web) or mobile

◎ Portal Academic System Menu

  - PC: Lecture evaluation → Final Course evaluation → Click each course → Fill out the questionnaire → Save

  - Mobile: Class attendance management → Final Course evaluation → Click each course → Check questionnaire → Save

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