Summer 2021 Course Evaluation

  • 운영자
  • Date 2021.07.20
  • Hit 438
We would like to notify you that an online course evaluation for summer 2021 will be conducted. We will greatly appreciate it if you evaluate the course you have taken this semester within the given period of time; your individual responses will be kept strictly confidential, so please feel free to give your honest and detailed opinions.
Course evaluations are done in such a way as to enhance the quality of courses, and the results will help students in choosing quality courses. The evaluation results of a course are currently open to students only when more than 60% of all students taking the course in the evaluation. For this reason, securing more than a certain number of participants is essential to open the results of the course evaluation and help students in choosing suitable courses.
Course evaluation results are also being utilized as basic data for the personnel management of professors and the selection of Best Lecturer Award winners, as well as possible reappointment of part-time faculties. We ask for your active and sincere participation in the current course evaluations. Your opinions count.
Below are details of how course evaluations will be conducted:
1. Courses to be evaluated: All courses offered during the 2021 summer semester
2. Courses not subject to evaluation:
- Research courses: Seminar, field placement & research, internship program, graduate research, individual research and dissertation research, etc
Even though some coursesof the College of Business are categorized as research courses, they will be subject to evaluation because actual teaching has been done.
- Designated courses: Extra Curricular Sport Activity, Physical Education Certificates, Happy College Life, Exciting College Life, Freshman Seminar 1·2, Special Lecture on Leadership
- Courses offered at other universities
3. Number of questions: 9 ("Overall Opinion" included)
4. Period:
August 6 (Fri.), 2021. 10:00 ~ August 13 (Fri.), 23:59
5. Procedure: Online survey (Mobile participation is possible)
'Academic System' menu on the portal site.
PC: Course Evaluation Final Course Evaluation Click each of the courses taken
Check questions Confirm
Mobile: Class Enrolment Final Course Evaluation Click each of the courses taken
Check questions Confirm
6. Caution: As for the courses of which evaluations have not been conducted during the designated period, viewing the grades during the grade posting period are restricted.
7. For more inquiries: Academic Planning Team (Ext. 1237)
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